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monkey wrench 活動扳手[扳鉗、扳頭];引起破壞的東西 (throw a...


On september 5th the bank of england got its monkey wrench out and tackled one issue , the half - percentage - point gap between overnight lending rates and its official benchmark 在9月5號,英國央行拿出其管鉗,修理一個部分,即那位于隔夜拆貸及其官方利率之間的0 . 5 %利差。

On september 5th the bank of england got its monkey wrench out and tackled one issue , the half - percentage - point gap between overnight lending rates and its official benchmark 9月5日,英格蘭銀行拿出鉗子,疏通了一部分,即隔夜資金拆出利率和官方基準利率的0 . 5利差。

The great monkey wrench in that theory was the common gray squirrel , which lives an amazing two decades , yet also expresses telomerase in great quantity 這一理論的主要依據在于普通的灰松鼠,它們可以驚人地存活二十年,并且還有大量的端粒酶表達。

We were about to begin construction on the building but the contractor threw a monkey wrench into the project 這幢樓我們正要動工,承包商卻從中作梗,使工程沒法繼續。

A federal judge threw a monkey wrench into the project to build a new oil refinery on the river 新聞報道說: “聯邦法官終止了在河上修建新的煉油廠的工程。

Ustable spanner , monkey wrench 活扳子,活絡扳手